Beiqi Ice Cream Machine - Commercial Ice Cream Machine Manufacturer since 2001

How many BEIQI soft serve freezer are sold per year?
The sales of BEIQI soft serve freezer are becoming better and better in recent years. They have been exported to many countries and receive high recognition, which in turn promotes our competitiveness and growth. This improvement mainly attributes to our new sales models. We have abandoned antiquated, ineffective sales models and processes. We re-examine our distribution channel strategies and begin to adopt Internet channels. For example, we build our own website and establish social media accounts which allow us to reach out to more potential customers.
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Since inception, we have been developing higher quality soft serve ice cream machine. popsicle machine is one of Jiangmen City BEIQI Machinery Co., Ltd's multiple product series. BEIQI thai rolled ice cream machine is designed by our designers who are actively developing new products based on the spirit of innovation. At Beiqi, there is no MOQ for ice cream machines. The paper-like surface of this product provides users with natural and realistic experience, just like writing, signing, and drawing on the real paper. Beiqi has 10 years of experience in manufacturing ice cream machines.
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We value sustainable development. We seek to reduce our negative impact on the world, with a firm focus on saving energy, sustainable sourcing and reducing the amount of production waste.

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