soft serve ice cream machines In order to build confidence with the customers on our brand - BEIQI, we have made your business transparent. We welcome customers' visits to inspect our certification, our facility, our production process, and others. We always actively show up in many exhibitions to detail our product and production process to customers face to face. In our social media platform, we also post abundant information about our products. Customers are given multiple channels to learn about our brand.
BEIQI soft serve ice cream machines soft serve ice cream machines is an official representative of Jiangmen City BEIQI Machinery Co., Ltd.. Exquisitely made of raw materials that reach the international standard, it has the properties of stability and durability. To make it outperform the products in the market, multiple times of tests are conducted to ensure the quality. It proves to be one of the most reliable cream makers for sale,best ice cream machine commercial,industrial ice cream maker.